My name is Caleb Castro. I was born and raised in Mexico. Since I can remember, I have been in the church. My grandfather was a missionary, and my father became his worship leader, church organist, and eventually held the office of elder at our local church. So, I come from a rich heritage of service to the Lord and His Church. Growing up, our family was always very musically oriented. So it was no surprise I would end up learning an instrument and eventually joining the music team at our church. Throughout the years I began to learn more about praise and worship. My perceptions of what it meant to praise and worship God began to be shaped and formed by what I saw modeled. |
Our family life and dynamic would be changed after one of my sisters was born deaf. Music was such a big part of who we were as a family, it was part of our identity. The next few years we would navigate the circumstances that would bring about many changes, including moving to the United States for a better life for her.
Many years later, as the worship leader approached the microphone at the beginning of the service, he said, “Let’s worship!” and next we sang for about 15 minutes. This command and action alone would begin a questioning in my heart and mind about what worship really was. The thought that continued to dwell in my mind was, “if worship is simply singing, then what does that mean for my deaf sister?”.
This searching for answers led me to seeking studies in worship. I am currently seeking a doctoral degree and researching in this field. I am passionate about the topic of worship and understanding what the Bible teaches about it. I am also passionate about music. I combine these two and seek to train other worship leaders and pastors across cultures in better understanding of the doctrine of worship and to lead well in their local church context.
I am a worship leader, pastor, and musician who loves to see the Lord equip his church. I seek to help train those seeking to deepen their knowledge of the Lord and use their skills for the local church. I am a saxophonist and I enjoy travel.